IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cathedral House & Clergy House telephone are currently down. We currently have a temporary number of 07493 108096, however, this phone number is for incoming and outgoing calls ONLY. Text and voicemail messages will NOT be responded to. For any enquiries, please kindly contact us at, including a contact number. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Love In Action

Living the message of the Gospels in practical and effective ways is a key part of our Catholic faith. This work is led by the Love in Action group which has a broad brief and works with other parish groups and the local community in Brentwood and Warley.

The Love in Action is a made up of a group of parishioners who are interested in Catholic Social Justice. The mission of the group is to care for each other and to care for the environment. A dedicated group called Green Guardians is part of the Love in Action Team.

The group meets monthly in the parish hall and is open to anyone who would like to get involved. For more information please contact Clergy House.

Just some of the activities organised by Love in Action are:

  • Regular food bank collections
  • Litter picking around the Cathedral environment
  • Supporting the local Ukrainian community and other migrants
  • Winter Warmer soup lunches
  • Fundraising for the homeless
  • Seed planting with children
  • Sponsored walks for CAFOD
Bug Hotel
Bug Hotel

Build a Bug Hotel

Love in Action will be hosting the coffee morning after the 9.30am Mass on 9 June and will be inviting the children to build a bug hotel in the Cathedral grounds. Everything will be provided. Just come along and join in this exciting project.

Love In Action
Food Bank
Love In Action

Supporting Food Banks

The Cathedral community is one of the most generous supporters of the local food bank run by the Trussell Trust. In 2023 the Cathedral donated an amazing 1,456.69kg, as well as regular cash donations of several hundred pounds. 

The next food bank collection will be on the weekend of 6 & 7 July. 

Donations of food, toiletries and money will be collected after all Masses that weekend.

Ukraine Vespers Brentwood Cathedral
Ukraine Vespers Brentwood Cathedral

Praying for Ukraine

We have hosted several events alongside the special Vespers for Ukraine held in the Cathedral. These bring together the many Ukrainians who have made their home in Brentwood with those in the local community who have supported those feeling the war in their country. The Mayor usually attends these services and events.


The next Vespers for Ukraine will be on Friday 23 August, the eve of the Ukrainian Independence Day and there will be activities and refreshments in the Parish Hall before and after the service. Everyone is welcome.

Love In Action
Love In Action


Everyone is welcome to drop into the parish hall on a Friday (12 pm – 2 pm) for hot drinks, light refreshments and a very warm welcome.

During the winter we offer home made hot soup while during the summer months freshly made sandwiches are available – and there is always tea, coffee and cake. It is a great opportunity for all ages to share the joy of friendship. We are immensely grateful to Sainsbury’s and Gail’s Bakery for their continuing support.

Love In Action
Love In Action

Green Guardians

This social action project, formed under the Love in Action umbrella, is a response to Pope Francis’s Laudato Si which calls us to care for our common home. Pope Francis asks us to reflect on the world around us and to open our eyes and see how God is present throughout creation. It is also important that we take responsibility for our actions now, because their consequences will have a long-lasting effect on future generations. Thus, the Green Guardians is a group that is committed to caring for our common home.

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