The vibrancy of parish life is underpinned by a wide range of groups, all of which make their own special contribution. Many are part of national organisations, enabling the Cathedral Parish to contribute and support the work of the wider church.
PACE helps manage and run a number of parish and community events throughout the year, with the aim to provide a wide range of events that bring all the generations of the parish together. The events also enable the parish to raise vital funds for the up keep of the parish hall as well as local and catholic charities.
Some of the events include Quiz Night, Summer Carnival, Advent celebration afternoon and many others.
CHRISTUS VIVIT (Christ Lives), a new group for adults aged 18 – 35 will meet once a month in Clergy House after the 6.30 p.m. Sunday Mass. Light supper will be provided. An opportunity for young Catholics to meet and support each other spiritually and socially. Pick up a flyer in the Cathedral narthex. All welcome. Just come along. First meeting on 5th March and then 2nd April, 7th May, 4th June and 2nd July.
Who are the Knights of St Columba? What do they do?
This is an order of Catholic laymen dedicated to the service of the Church and fellow brothers. The Organisation exists to support the mission of the Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual and material good of our members and families. In accordance with the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church.
We work for the moral and social welfare of our Country and in particular, help young people to become more Christ-like. If you are interested in joining the KSC or require any further information, please contact local KSC Brentwood Council Secretary Paul Redfearn via email or go to
2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm
This is a Charismatic prayer group, comprising of praise and worship, listening to the Word of God, intercessory prayer and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to His guidance and counsel.
Everyone is welcome. The prayer group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm in the upper room (Cathedral entrance nearest Clergy House and up the stairs).
For more information please contact Liz Hart on 01277 228419
What is the Saint Vincent de Paul group?
The St Vincent de Paul society ( is an International Christian voluntary organisation. We aim to help anyone in need locally. This involves visiting and befriending. The essence of this work is person to person contact and spending time with people who need some kind of support. We work alongside other conferences within Essex and London. For further information contact Anne Scurfield:
Who are the Catenians? What do they do?
Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Catholic Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other. Their primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances their family life, strengthens their Faith and sustains them in difficult times. Our friendships are developed by meeting together locally once a month and enjoying a varied programme of social events, together with our families and widows of members.
We support each other, the Catholic Church, young people and those in need. For young people our aim is to advance the interests and development of young Catholics and to assist them in the choice or pursuit of a career, including the promotion and support of the Catenian Association Bursary Fund. Young people may visit our website, and find Bursary Fund. By requesting some funding for charitable work overseas or helping at Lourdes, a donation will usually be made via local Catenian Circle.
We also support Brothers in difficulty and need including maintaining and administering benevolent funds through the Catenian Association Benevolent and Children’s Fund.
The Brentwood Circle meets the second Wednesday of the Month at the Ivy Hill Best Western Hotel at 7 p.m. For more information contact Peter DOWSE or Membership Officer, Michael WILSHER
Serving young people across Essex and East London; we run events, pilgrimages and retreats inspired…
Brentwood Cathedral began in 1861 as a parish church built in a Gothic style. This relatively small building was raised to cathedral status in 1917. Between 1989 and 1991 the church was enlarged in an Italianate classical style.
The new Brentwood Cathedral was dedicated by Cardinal Basil Hume on 31 May 1991 and in 2022 the cathedral was listed at Grade II.
Photos used are copyright and property of Brentwood Cathedral, Graham Hillman and Jim Lynch
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