IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cathedral House & Clergy House telephone are currently down. We currently have a temporary number of 07493 108096, however, this phone number is for incoming and outgoing calls ONLY. Text and voicemail messages will NOT be responded to. For any enquiries, please kindly contact us at, including a contact number. Apologies for any inconvenience.


The Cathedral Parish Christmas Bazaar will take place on Saturday 14th December from 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m, and we have supplied more details below regarding how your support would be greatly appreciated.

It would be wonderful to have as many parishioners as possible to be involved in this Christmas Social event. Obviously, a great deal of preparation and hard works goes into such an event. Once again, my thanks to all who came to the Bazaar Meeting on 20th September.  In last week’s Newsletter, Fr John put a great deal of information with regard the donation of gifts and items for the Bazaar. From next week onwards, there will be Bazaar Boxes in the Narthex of the Cathedral to receive your gifts for the Bazaar or alternatively, please hand them in to Clergy House.  The success of the Bazaar is holily dependent on your generosity.

We would like to thank all those who attended our first Bazaar Committee meeting. As you can appreciate the organisation of a Bazaar isn’t something that happens overnight; a great deal of planning, preparation and hard work goes into such an event.

We really want this Bazaar to be a parish family social event with as many people as possible involved. If there are any other parishioners who would like to be involved, please contact Fr John at Clergy House (01277 265235).

Hand in hand with the Bazaar we hope to have a Grand Draw with good prizes, and raffle tickets will go out to all parishioners about a month before the event. Please find below an overview of items required to make a success of this event:


We would like to request various Grand Draw Prizes to be donated, all brand-new items please: suggestions are as follows:

  • A colour flat screen television
  • Wii
  • X Box
  • iPod
  • any other new electrical goods
  • Various Christmas hampers
  • A crate of wine
  • Restaurant or theatre vouchers
  • Hotel vouchers
  • National Trust membership
  • Spa vouchers
  • Crystal glass sets
  • M & S vouchers
  • Fitbit watch
  • Beats headphones
  • Fortnum & Mason amper
  • Large Christmas cake

In addition to this, might there be any parishioners who would be willing to donate some money for Grand Draw Prizes of £200, 100 or £50 please?


The success of any Bazaar is wholly dependent on the generosity of the whole parish community. We would like to appeal to the parish for various gift items for the Bazaar this year. A Bazaar is not a Jumble Sale, so we do ask for new or nearly new items please. One of the most successful stalls at a Bazaar is the ‘Bottle Stall’ – we would appeal to the parish for about 300 bottles of wine and spirits. If everyone brought one bottle, we would achieve our goal!

Toiletries are always popular; children’s cuddly toys, which are in good condition. Fancy goods and nice bric-a-brac items; various gift cards. On the day there will be refreshments: a home baked cake stall, jams & preserves, sweets and chocolates, Christmas chocolate and candy canes. Good quality and new toys, small gifts for Santa’s Grotto. PLEASE, NO CLOTHING (unless if brand new).

We thank you in advance for your support!


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