IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cathedral House & Clergy House telephone are currently down. We currently have a temporary number of 07493 108096, however, this phone number is for incoming and outgoing calls ONLY. Text and voicemail messages will NOT be responded to. For any enquiries, please kindly contact us at, including a contact number. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Eucharistic Minister Rota

Below is the latest rota list  

DateSaturday 6.30pmSunday 8.00amSunday 9.30am Sunday 11.30am Sunday 6.30pm
15th / 16th
Terry CurleyDaniel Selo-OjemeSue Long
Rosemary Lloyd
Ronan Kelleher
Bessem Njopa-Kaba
Maureen Mumby
22nd / 23rd
Heather Leathley Patricia Selo-OjemeMartina O’Connell
Michael Edwards
Maureen Joe-Manuel
Barbara Nuttall
David Duffy