Fr Martin’s final weekend in the parish will be 26th/27th August but he will return to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday 17th September at 6.30 p.m. followed by light refreshments in the Cathedral parish halls where the parish will make a presentation to him.
If you would like to give towards this presentation, you can give your gift:
i) in the retiring collection for Fr Martin on Sunday 10th September
ii) by bank transfer to:
Account Name: Brentwood Cathedral
Sort Code: 40-13-22
Account number:30 21 74 92
If you use bank transfer, please ensure that you state it is for “Fr Martin’s leaving gift”
iii) drop in your gift offering to the office at Clergy House.
If you are a tax payer and would also like to Gift Aid your offering, then please use an envelope available in the Cathedral narthex.