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SPIRITUAL REFLECTION – Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord (B)

We are about to embark upon our Holy Week 2024, journeying with Our Blessed Lord and accompanying Him in faith and love, through his Pasion & Death, and, to share in the triumph of Resurrection Faith on Easter Day.

OUR PALM SUNDAY celebration reminds us of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Holy City, to cries of ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’. This, of course, is overshadowed by the religious authorities and crowds, who in a few days’ time will be baying for his blood with the words, ‘Crucify him, crucify him!’ This Palm Sunday sets the scene for the rest of our Holy Week.

THE SACRED TRIDUUM: The three Holy Days – are seen as one continuous celebration of faith.

SPIRITUAL REFLECTION – Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord (B)On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper where the institution of the Holy Eucharist took place; the eternal gift the Lord gave to the Apostles on the night before he died. He journeys to Gethsemane where he prays to the Father. The arrest takes place in the garden; and the Apostles flee in fear.

Good Friday This sacred and solemn day calls to mind, the cruel treatment of Jesus, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns, his condemnation through false evidence brought against him. Pilate washes his hands of Jesus, and he begins the journey up the Hill of Calvary to his brutal Crucifixion and Death.

Holy Saturday commences with the silence of the Tomb. And yet God raises Jesus out of death. We celebrate the first Mass of Easter at our Vigil celebration. Jesus triumphs over sin and death and invites us to share in the New Life of Resurrection faith.

THE EASTER VIGIL this year will commence at 7.00 p.m. We start outside with the lighting and blessing of the Easter Fire, we bless and light the Easter Candle, and process into the dark Cathedral with the Deacon singing ‘Lumen Christi’ – ‘The Light of Christ’. The Vigil is the high point of the Church’s liturgical year; it retraces the story of SPIRITUAL REFLECTION – Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord (B)Salvation History commencing with Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah, Romans and, this year, St Mark’s Gospel. At the Easter Vigil there will be six Baptisms, four adults and two children. Seven receptions into the Church, five adults and two children. Please pray for: Daniel Egan, Abbie Ruddock, Sonny Batch, Michael & Skyee Chan, Lia Brimelow (all to be baptised); Tara, Andrew, Joseph & Willow Felton, Daniel Brimelow, Michael Beskine, Sarah Datsun, (all to be received into full communion). This has been a momentous journey for all our Catechumens and Candidates, and it is a great joy to welcome them into the Catholic Church here at the Cathedral Parish.  Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers during this Holy Week.


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