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SPIRITUAL REFLECTION – Seventh Sunday of Easter (B)

This Sunday we have listened to the beautiful ‘Priestly Prayer of Christ’ from St. John’s Gospel.

Jesus, recognising his own fate and his eventual death, prays earnestly for the Apostles. Those men whom he called and prepared for the future work of the Church, he now entrusts to the Father, that he will look after each one of them. Jesus knows that they will be challenged because of him, but he also knows that they will have the strength and courage to continue with the work of Evangelisation. They will eventually take the Gospel message to all known quarters of the world.

As we have just celebrated the Ascension of the Lord, now the work of the apostles must begin. In the Acts of the Apostles, we have been listening to all the events of the early church; the teething problems that the apostles faced, and the various trials they had to encounter in sharing the Good News. But Jesus promised to be with them until the end of the age. And through the gift of the Holy Spirit, they had great courage and strength to continue this work that the Lord had begun. So, the ongoing story of Jesus Christ continues today through you and me!

We look forward to the outpouring of the gift of the Holy Spirit promised by the Lord to the Apostles. The Spirit who is that guiding force of love within the life faith and the Church, who is forever present to each one of us.

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