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Being caught in a storm at sea must be terrifying. The Apostles in the Gospel today feel helpless and afraid; they awaken Jesus who stills the wind with one command and then questions his disciple: ‘Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?’
Jesus at sea in a small boat, in choppy waters. He is surrounded by other people.

Such a situation is the moment most of us find our faith.  In its truest sense, faith is at those moments a return to God, through reliance – a dependence that can bring deep relief, peace and humility. We give ourselves completely to God, acknowledging his might and our smallness. God fills us and we feel a ‘love divine’, all loves excelling, as the hymn tells us. ‘My moments of depression and despair turn out to be renewals, new beginnings,’ wrote Thomas Merton. Stuck or powerless, we turn to God for help, and so find him again. Is this why we sometimes suffer? Is suffering a reminder from God to come home?

Relying on God gives us a feeling of being protected and supported in life. In tough times, we rely upon Christ. Rather than making us feel unpleasantly small, these moments of great need paired with great faith make us feel wonderfully small! It is a relief to ‘let go and let God’.

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The Beatitudes occur in only Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospel. Matthew’s version is delivered on a...
Jesus is in his hometown of Nazareth. He has already been visiting towns and synagogues...
To mark this Jubilee Year's theme of 'Pilgrims of Hope' please sign up to Cafod's...