The imagery of darkness, falling celestial bodies and the heavens shaking is disturbing to the...
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Today’s reading is the last time that Mark presents Jesus in the Temple. It is...
Jewish Rabbis counted 613 separate and individual statutes in the Law and attempted to differentiate...
Desperate people do desperate things. Pride, self-consciousness and ego are less important when we are...
T S Eliot once said, ‘Most of the trouble in the world is caused by...
We have an amazing ability to avoid talking about important things. The desire to talk...
Our Sunday Gospel readings are taken from St. Mark’s Gospel, while the weekday readings are...
Possessiveness and insularity are not attractive characteristics. They are uncharitable, inward-looking and ultimately selfish; they...
The Cathedral Parish Christmas Bazaar will take place on Saturday 14th December from 11.00 a.m....
What were the disciples arguing about? Given that a good number of them were fishermen,...
Today we contemplate a crucial point in Mark’s Gospel when Jesus asked the fundamental question,...
St Mark records: ‘looking up to heaven, Jesus sighed, and said to him, ‘Ephatha’ that...