IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cathedral House & Clergy House telephone are currently down. We currently have a temporary number of 07493 108096, however, this phone number is for incoming and outgoing calls ONLY. Text and voicemail messages will NOT be responded to. For any enquiries, please kindly contact us at, including a contact number. Apologies for any inconvenience.

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In his teaching Jesus highlights a problem, if you like, with practice the of faith....
The disciples could be slow on the uptake; they could be dull and passive, and...
We take our eating and drinking for granted and are unaware that, in fact, we...
‘Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest for a while’...
With our twenty-first century mind-set, Jesus’ instructions to his disciples when he was sending them...
It isn’t possible to be a believer of Jesus and not believe in miracles –...
Sickness, tragedy and death are unwelcome, sobering realties. They make us feel vulnerable, needy and...
Being caught in a storm at sea must be terrifying. The Apostles in the Gospel...
Other than the Sermon on the Mount, which contains the Beatitudes, Jesus taught chiefly through...
‘The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis is a masterpiece and a must-read. If you...
Today we celebrate the Sacrament which is the source and summit of the Christian life....