IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cathedral House & Clergy House telephone are currently down. We currently have a temporary number of 07493 108096, however, this phone number is for incoming and outgoing calls ONLY. Text and voicemail messages will NOT be responded to. For any enquiries, please kindly contact us at, including a contact number. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Pray for Ukraine

On Wednesday 23 August at 6.30pm we will be holding a special Vespers for Ukraine. This is the eve of their National Day, celebrating their independence. As well as the Mayor of Brentwood, we will be joined by many Ukrainians who have settled in this part of Essex. We want to show them our support, so please come along to this service which will feature both Ukrainian music and more familiar English music. There will be refreshments in the Parish Hall afterwards.

Find out the various events and news from the cathedral, parish and wider community.

The Beatitudes occur in only Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospel. Matthew’s version is delivered on a...
Jesus is in his hometown of Nazareth. He has already been visiting towns and synagogues...
To mark this Jubilee Year's theme of 'Pilgrims of Hope' please sign up to Cafod's...